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06 Apr 2022

Why Description Matters on Your Self Storage Website


Jack Raistrick

Union Realtime

Many people do not know how crucial it is to have a well-written description on their storage website; nonetheless, it is one of the most significant components of a self-storage website. Customers will make decisions based on the material you provide on your website. Your description has to be both intriguing and informative in order for people to feel compelled to visit or use your facility and discover how it can help them with their specific need.  Great descriptions have a lot of advantages, and they can make or break your sales conversion rates. This article will explain why description is important on your self-storage website and how it may help you grow your online presence.

What is descriptive language?

Firstly, let's cover what descriptive language actually is, descriptive language is when the reader is made to feel as though they are a part of the scene or event being described. Description is beneficial because it allows readers to become immersed within the subject. It can assist a reader in visualising a character or setting. A skilled descriptive writer can captivate the reader's attention and emotions, help inform them with clearer understanding. A descriptive writer will show rather than tell. The more a reader knows about what they are reading or viewing the better their understanding of it becomes. That's why description matters on your self storage website.

Why is it important to have good descriptions on your self storage website?

The content that you put on your self storage website will be what customers base their decisions off of, so it's important to make sure there is quality information. The descriptions help the reader understand what is what and how each unit in your self storage facility differs. If every listing has the exact same description as all the others then customers are going to think they're all the same and won't take time to look at each one separately. A strong informative description will give the customer confidence in your facility as they will have a complete understanding of all the units and the business as well as knowing how your facility can help their needs.

Examples of good and bad descriptions

Let's start of with an example of a bad description-

"The storage unit is perfect for storing your belongings. It's located in a secure facility"

Now the description has made it seem like every single one of their units are perfect and stored within a secured area - which might not be true! The generic term of 'belongings' does not inform the reader on what actually can be stored within the unit. There is not a clarity on the size of the unit which does not help the reader know if this unit would be suitable for them. Furthermore, what is it that makes this unit secure? The security aspect needs to be elaborated on to inform the customer on the features which are used to keep their possessions safe.

Now lets see an example of a good description -

"This is a very clean and reliable unit which is based on the ground level, the unit is 10 x 10 which equates roughly to the size of 1 bedroom making it perfect for storing anything from boxes, clothes or furniture. The unit is fully climate controlled with 24 hour video surveillance. We are also able to offer 24/7 access, enabling you to access your belongings at whatever time is best for you".

This example demonstrates good descriptions by identifying as much information about the unit as possible. We have found out that the unit is on ground level, and the exact size of the unit. However, not only does the description mention the size, it also give a rough example of how big the space is. This helps the reader, and potential renter, to fully understand the size of the unit and helps them make a decision on which unit would be best for their needs. Along with size, the description suggests suitable items which could be stored within the unit. This helps the potential renter to know what is suitable to be stored within the unit. The description goes on to tell us that the unit is fully climate controlled. A potential customer will be able to fully comprehend what the unit has to offer if they have this knowledge and what can be stored within the unit. The description reassures the potential customer that their belongings are in safe hands by declaring that the site has 24 hour video surveillance and finally the description finishes of by telling the reader that they are able to access their belongings whenever is best for them by stating that they have 24/7 access.

Tips for writing great descriptions:

Describe the facility: what is a potential customer entering into? What does that space have to offer them?

Offer peace of mind and reassurance: describe how their belongings are in safe hands. Show pictures of video surveillance or tell the reader that they can access their belongings whenever it suits them. Be as detailed as possible.

Give examples: describe what can be fitted within the space, instead of just a number, describe what that size actually is using a general day to day item.

Keep the customer in mind: when writing the description, read it as if you were the customer, this will ensure that the description is written as if it was readable to somebody who has never come across your facility before.

Final thoughts

A good description is the first step to attracting new customers and highlighting your facility's strengths. Make sure you know what makes your storage unit unique, so that when potential renters are looking for a place to store their belongings, they will be attracted by your facilities' features and benefits. This post has spoken about what descriptive language is and why it is important for your self storage facility. Examples of good and bad descriptions have been mentioned along with tips on creating descriptive content for your storage units. Be sure to include descriptive language in all areas of your website, including but not limited to: facility description (including the type and size), pricing information, testimonials from existing customers, features and amenities offered at your site as well as customer service policies.

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