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29 Jan 2024

Understand pockets of high population with the Radius+ demographics block tool


Want to learn more about a feature that can help you stay one step ahead of the competition? We thought so! With the demographics block tool you can better understand where the pockets of high population and highest median household income are in your area!


Welcome this is James with Radius Plus here today with the demographic block group tool. So once you've set your trade area and you've scrolled all the way down on the right hand tab and seen the demographic summary but you need to understand where are these pockets of high population relative to my location, do this, press B as in boy on your keyboard to bring up the demographics block group tool heat map. This is a visual aid breaking down the most up-to-date demographics. Block by block you can sort from population growth where to see where the highest concentration of renter occupied housing are all in gorgeous 3D rendering that's right exclusive to Radius Plus.

So if this tool is helpful for you guys and you want to learn more be sure to book a demo from the link below and don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter as well, happy Hunting you guys.

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