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27 Sep 2020

The Importance of Keeping Your Staff Motivated at Work


Jack Raistrick

Union Realtime

A lot of people say that motivation doesn't last, but I disagree. If you have a good team working for you and they are all motivated to do their best work then that is an invaluable resource. It's important to find ways to motivate your staff members so they can be as productive at work as possible. This blog will outline some strategies on how to keep your staff motivated in the workplace.

Create a work environment that is enjoyable for your staff

If your staff love their work environment, they will be more motivated to do their best. For example, if you have a lovely office space with lots of natural light and plants, they will be much more motivated than if you have a dark cramped room with no air. You want an office space that doesn't feel like a schools detention facility. Include amusing oddities like a foosball table, a darts board, or maybe simply some beautiful artwork. Adding an element of fun into the office will definitely motivate your staff to do their best work, a reason for this is that people are more productive and happier when they're enjoying their work and who doesn't enjoy a foosball table!

Be consistent with your expectations and provide clear directions

Being consistent with your expectations and providing clear directions will not only save time and effort but it helps your office to stay organized. This way employees will understand your expectations of them instead of wondering about it all the time, which can lead to confusion and frustration, and inevitable time wasting. An employee wants to know clear instructions and expectations, but not to the extent in which you are dictating their day, after all, no one wants their hand held at work!

Provide recognition when it's deserved - don't wait until the end of the year to offer an award or commendation

Staff want to feel appreciated, they want to know when they have done a good job on a certain bit of work, they want to know that their efforts are not being ignored. Going the extra mile will delight an employee, for example, don't just compliment the person in front of you and forget about it, follow up with a handwritten thank-you note or send your sincere appreciation via email. This is something that will have much more impact than waiting all year long to declare it at an annual award ceremony. There are many ways to show appreciation and reward your staff. It can be as simple as giving a pat on the back or thanking them for their hard work, you could bake cookies with an encouraging note attached that reads "I know this may seem small, but I appreciate you." The most common way to thank employees is through monetary compensation such as bonuses, pay raises, commissions, cash prizes or company stock options. But rewards don't have to be expensive-the simplest gestures go a long way!

Offer flexible hours

Offering flexible hours, such as working from home one day per week or allowing employees to take time off if they need it can be a big deal. It helps staff feel like they're valued and that they are working for a company who cares about their employees. Letting a staff member leave 15 minutes early on a Friday afternoon, or allowing them to work remotely one day per week can often go far in terms of promoting employee morale.

Provide opportunities

Providing opportunities for staff members to grow and expand their skillsets is important because it will give your employees more job security as they are less likely to be let go if the company needs fewer workers with specific skill sets-they'll also feel like they're contributing something valuable to the company which increases overall morale! Giving training courses on new software, offering an opportunity for cross-training (such as providing IT assistance) can help keep your staff feeling challenged without requiring that you hire someone else.

Allow staff members to have input on decisions

Allowing staff members to have an input on company decisions will help make them feel like their opinions matter and are valued by management team. This is a great way to boost morale and make staff members feel like they have some control over their own careers. As well as staff members feeling valued, they will also be more likely to work hard because they have a say in what goes on. Too many companies create the illusion that their employees lack any input and consider them replaceable with no thought for where this can lead - disgruntled staff who don't care about your bottom line.

Final thoughts

It's difficult to be successful in business without dedicated and motivated staff. Creating an enjoyable work environment with clear expectations, recognition when it is deserved, flexible hours for personal needs, opportunities for growth and input on decisions should help you build a strong team that will get the job done well and be an enjoyable environment for all to work in.

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