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28 Feb 2023

The Best Ways Self-Storage Facilities Utilize LED Lighting for Safety and Security


Norman Kirby

Director of Marketing - US LED

Many self-storage owners immediately bring up cameras, alarm systems, and security guards when asked about managing safety at their sites. While these are all important to safety, good lighting is the most fundamental aspect of ensuring security. Keeping your facility secure through quality lighting assures you, your tenants, and your employees of a better onsite experience. Moreover, a well-lit facility is critical for attracting customers, avoiding accidents, and deterring crime.

Graphic of LED lighting at self-storage facility

Safety Outside

According to a recent study in New York City, there is a dramatically significant correlation between crime at night and outdoor lighting, with crimes decreasing by 39% after proper lighting was applied. Ensuring secure lighting starts from the outside and should protect people from the moment they drive up to the self-storage facility. Ideally, pathways should be well-lit and lead visitors from their cars to the entrance. Even more, you want to ensure that drive aisles and the entire storage facility exteriors are well lit so that everyone is safe no matter where they are.

Safety Inside

Inside the self-storage facility, owners should sufficiently illuminate hallways to make people feel comfortable and increase visibility for wayfinding. Additionally, your business also needs adequate lighting to prevent falls and accidents. Low visibility can also result in people tripping along the hallway or feeling uneasy when they can’t see where they’re going or who’s around them. Good lighting is also essential for getting the clearest images from your security cameras.

Lighting levels will make the difference between recording faces distinctly versus vague silhouettes, making the captured video virtually useless. Also, consider lighting controls like fixture sensors set only to light up occupied areas. In addition to contributing to energy savings, they’ll come on when there’s any movement to allow cameras to capture necessary details.

When looking to light up your self-storage facility safely, inside or outside, LED solutions should be your top choice for several critical reasons:

Graphic of LED lighting at RV Storage

Why Use A Full-Service LED Lighting Solutions Provider

The most reliable and cost-effective way to illuminate your self-storage facility is to hire a full-service provider who can develop a lighting plan that fits your needs, knows where the lights should be installed, and can help you take advantage of utility rebates and tax deductions. To begin, you should get a lighting audit to have a holistic view of your entire lighting system and what’s necessary to upgrade to LED lighting technology. They should be highly experienced and thoroughly understand lighting standards for self-storage facilities.

Furthermore, the right partner should be able to develop LED lighting layouts, provide an ROI analysis, deliver turnkey installation, and offer project management support to ensure each step of the process is correctly executed. Best of all, experienced lighting providers for self-storage facilities should be able to handle utility rebate management and offer guidance on available tax deductions. This service ensures owners capture all the money possible to fund energy efficiency projects now and in the future.

Partner With The Self-Storage Lighting Experts

For self-storage operators, it’s crucial to get lighting that improves property value and maintains a safe and secure experience for those onsite. US LED goes beyond industry standards to offer ultra-long-life LED lighting solutions that reduce energy consumption and eliminate maintenance. Moreover, US LED offers comprehensive solutions and services beyond lighting to provide organizations with an easy path to implementing operational efficiency programs. These proven solutions include HVAC optimization, building automation systems, active load management, and more. So, don’t get left in the dark with your lighting projects! US LED is always the right choice whether you have a single location or need a national rollout.

Free guide for lighting standards for self-storage facilities

Get more information at www.usled.com


Images from - http://blog.usled.com/the-best-ways-self-storage-facilities-utilize-led-lighting-for-safety-and-security?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=246904191&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--fK3DDk1G-FK3IVdbfbSvEbQ9Uacn-rFgINh15p-RgFptx7JrOYxBumIdZTUrPKa5ncSWCHQTMkMpZSfmxIsvY3R1EGA&utm_content=246904191&utm_source=hs_email

Norman Kirby is the Director of Marketing for US LED, a full-service provider of LED lighting and turnkey installation for self-storage facilities throughout the United States since 2001. Thanks to decades of engineering expertise, US LED continuously offers ultra-long-life lighting that approaches or exceeds 200,000-Hour L70 lifetimes, backed by an industry-leading Ten-Year Warranty. Additionally, much of the product portfolio is assembled in Houston, Texas. For more information, email inquiries at customerservice@usled.com or contact Norman at nkirby@usled.com.

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