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27 Apr 2020

The Benefits of Having a Blog for Your Self Storage Website


Jack Raistrick

Union Realtime

The internet has been around for well over three decades now, and there are so many websites. In this day and age, it is crucial to be online as a business person or company owner if you want any chance of being successful, especially in the crowded industry of self storage. Along with a website, a particular popular way to showcase your self storage business online is through a blog. It is believed the first blog was posted in the mid 1990's and it has been popular ever since. A blog will provide interesting content to your website visitors and customers, which is highly valuable in the digital era where people are becoming more selective with their online time and attention spans keep shrinking.

It can also be used as an effective lead generating tool. Self storage facilities with blogs have reported an increase in web traffic and social media followers, which makes blogging seem like a no-brainer when it comes to digital marketing your self storage facility. Here are 5 reasons why you should start a blog for your self storage company:

1) Create a Knowledge Base

Blogs offer the perfect opportunity to create knowledge bases for all of the services that you offer at your self storage company, which can help answer customer questions right away instead of having them contact your customer service team.

2) Drives traffic towards your website

Every company wants as many people as possible to visit their website. A blog is a great way to advertise your business and services for people that are interested. A blog for your self storage website drives targeted traffic towards the site, as well as helps promote awareness of what you do through search engine optimization (SEO).

3) Feature Your Staff

People like knowing who they're doing business with and what makes them different from other companies. A staff blog provides information about the people behind the scenes.

4) Keep Customers Updated

A blog post is a great function to share your companies news and latest updates, as well as other industry news.

5) Keep Customers Engaged

Customers want to engage with your self storage business, they want to feel apart of the business, which is why it's important to post on your blog.

Final thoughts

Your self storage website needs to be a hub for all of the information your customers need, and this includes blogs. Blogs can help you create a knowledge base that will make it easy for people who are new to renting space in your facility or looking into what exactly is involved with storing their belongings at one of your facilities.

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