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22 Jan 2024

Speed up underwriting with Radius+ Exports


Tired of juggling facts and figures, numbers and names on a sticky pad? We’ve got a solution for you. Export all your pricing information into an excel spreadsheet so you can analyze it quickly and efficiently.

Select feature parameters that matter to you with the Radius+ export tool. When you need to analyze demand for self storage in an area this is the best method!


Welcome this is James with radius plus here today to talk about the export to excel tool. If you're tearing your hair out over facts and figures names and numbers and you're using a sticky pad, do this instead; make sure to use our export to excel tool so you can download your entire competitive landscape to Excel.

After dropping your trade a pin and jumping to the competitors tab, make sure quickly that your combinations and unit sizes make sense for you, then scroll all the way down to the competitor pricing export button, otherwise known as the download Excel spreadsheet button.

If you guys are doing any type of demand study, this is really the way to do it, because you'll have the entire pricing situation on the competitors's page on an Excel file for your underwriting or feasibility purposes.

If you want to get it on a facility by facility level for the entire pricing history, going back further than the 24 months, give me a call and let you guys know how to get this set up as well.

So, if this tool is helpful for you, be sure to click the demo link so we can grab a time to chat and don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter as well, thanks guys. Happy Hunting everybody!

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