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06 Mar 2023

Self-Storage Marketing Strategies: Email Marketing


Jack Raistrick

Union Realtime

As competition increases by the week, your self-storage facility needs to keep up and you can do this through self-storage marketing. There are many self-storage marketing strategies that enable you to stand out from the crowd. In this article we will discuss how email marketing can help your self-storage marketing efforts and increase your visibility in a competitive market. The article will cover how you can build your email list, how to create effective emails, what options there are to measure and track email campaigns and what the best practices are for email marketing.

What is email marketing?

Email marketing is a form of marketing that allows you to send a personalized message to a targeted audience. Email marketing allows you as a company to communicate with your customers, to reach out to a targeted audience and to announce new products and services. With 92% of online adults using email, and 61% using it on an average day www.optinmonster.com this demonstrates the volume of users, which ultimately means there's a significant chance your email will be seen and read by the targeted person.

Building your email list

It is vital to have a quality email list, this is crucial for successful self-storage marketing. There is no point in having an email list full of email addresses who are not interested in your offerings, as this is wasting everyone's time, including your own!

How to build your email list

This is a proven method in securing sign ups. You may not get an abundance of emails straight away, but it is great for gradual sign ups over time. Having a constant sign up form in the footer of your site means that the visitors to your site can always have the opportunity to sign up, no matter what page of your site they are on.

Utilizing social media can help you increase your email list and get new subscribers as most social media platforms allow you to include a ‘signup’ button on your homepage. For instance, you’re able to include one on your Facebook business page. Failing this, you can include a link in your pages’ bio which directs the user straight to the sign up page on your website. Furthermore, you can also directly post content encouraging your followers to sign up and subscribe.

By adding a pop up message when visitors go onto your website, you are ensuring that everyone who visits your site will see the option to sign up. This means that you are giving yourself the best chance in securing as many emails as possible.

Make sure to capitalize on the clients visiting your facility as well as the trade shows you attend. Encourage people to give you their email addresses when you are speaking to them at a trade show. You may keep all of these addresses in a Google Sheets document and sync them to your marketing tool when the moment is right. When a new customer visits your facility, take advantage of the opportunity to sign them up for your mailing list. By explaining what they will receive, such as offers, promotions, and facility updates, they will be more inclined to do so.

As of January 2023, the United States had over 311 million internet users (www.statista.com) This illustrates how pervasive internet use is among people. Therefore, having a sign up option on your site, once someone has rented a unit can help increase your email list. This is because by enticing them to stay up to date on offers and promotions, they will want to make sure they are getting the best deal possible.

Crafting effective emails

It is important to ensure you produce quality written emails which provide value. Your email list subscribers can easily ‘unsubscribe’, so make sure your content is not ‘spammy’ and that there is plenty of value within.

What to include:

Here are a few ideas on what you can include in your email, however, the possibilities really are endless!

  1. Promotions and offers
  2. Latest company news
  3. Latest industry news
  4. A comment from the owner/manager
  5. Meet the team section
  6. Products
  7. Links to your social media

Subject Lines

Your email subject line is the first thing which a reader will see when they see your email in their inbox, and nearly 50% of email recipients open an email based on the subject line www.invespcro.com. It's important to ensure the subject line is eye-catching, enticing, and relevant. However, you must take into account that they need to be short as well. In fact, it is believed that email subject lines with 50 characters or less result in a 12% higher open rate and 75% higher click-through rates than emails with longer subject lines www.walkersands.com. This demonstrates the importance of keeping your email subject line short and sweet. A short subject line can also help with email recipients who open their email on a mobile device, and with 4 out of 10 email recipients opening their emails on a mobile device www.statista.com, it is vital you facilitate their needs.

Tips for creating effective subject lines

Email Marketing tools

There are a variety of email marketing tools available, here’s three which you should consider -

Be sure to take time to research marketing tools and make sure to find one which suits your needs.

Final Thoughts

This article has addressed the importance of email marketing. By explaining what email marketing is, and providing steps on how to create your email list, as well as dissecting the perfect subject line and all important do’s and don’ts of what to include. We have also provided you with recommendations of what email marketing tools are available.

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