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14 Nov 2023

Pros and Cons of Self Storage SBA Loans vs. Traditional Loans


Garrett Byrd

Franchise Director

When it comes to financing a self-storage business, prospective owners face the crucial decision of choosing between a Small Business Administration (SBA loans) and a traditional (conventional) loan. This choice can significantly impact the initial capital investment, debt service, and long-term financial stability of the venture. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of both self-storage SBA loans and traditional loans to help you make an informed decision for your storage facility investment.

Self Storage SBA Loans: The Pros

  1. Lower Initial Investment: One of the most significant advantages of opting for an SBA loan is the lower down payment requirement. Typically, SBA loans require only 10% to 15% cash capital upfront. This is a substantial contrast to traditional loans, which often demand 30% to 40% down payment, more than double the amount of an SBA loan. This lower initial investment can free up capital for other essential business needs, such as marketing, facility improvements, or operational expenses.

  2. Financing for New Construction: SBA loans are more likely to fund new construction projects, making them a preferred choice for entrepreneurs looking to start a self-storage facility from the ground up. Traditional lenders may be less inclined to support new construction, potentially limiting your expansion options.

  3. Working Capital Inclusion: SBA loans can include working capital in the loan amount, allowing you to manage day-to-day expenses and unforeseen challenges as your self-storage business gets off the ground. This added flexibility can be crucial for maintaining smooth operations during the initial years of operation.

  4. Potential for Refinancing: While the debt service on an SBA loan may be thinner initially, it offers the opportunity for refinancing in the future, typically around four to five years down the road. This can lead to better interest rates and improved cash flow, making your investment decision more rewarding in the long term.

Self Storage SBA Loans: The Cons

  1. Stricter Qualification Criteria: SBA loans can have more stringent qualification criteria compared to traditional loans. This may require you to meet specific business and personal financial requirements and go through a potentially more complex application process.

  2. Longer Approval Process: SBA loans can take longer to be approved and funded compared to traditional loans. If you need funds quickly to seize an opportunity or address urgent needs, the extended approval process may not be suitable for your situation.

Learn more about self-storage lending here: SBA Self Storage Lending Q & A

Traditional Loans: The Pros

  1. Established Lender Relationships: Traditional loans are often offered by well-established financial institutions, making them a reliable choice for those who have strong existing relationships with banks or lenders.

  2. Potentially Lower Interest Rates: Depending on your creditworthiness and relationship with the lender, traditional loans may offer competitive interest rates, which can lead to lower long-term costs.

Traditional Loans: The Cons

  1. Higher Initial Investment: One of the most significant drawbacks of traditional loans is the substantial down payment requirement. Business owners may need to commit 30% to 40% of the property's cost upfront, which can be capital-intensive and limit resources for other crucial business needs.

  2. Limited Support for New Construction: Traditional lenders may be less willing to fund new construction projects, restricting your options for expansion or starting a new facility from the ground up.

  3. Shorter Loan Terms: Traditional loans often come with shorter loan terms and may involve balloon payments. This can lead to the need for more frequent refinancing, potentially exposing your business to market fluctuations and uncertainties.

Choosing between a self-storage SBA loan and a traditional loan is a decision that requires careful consideration, but it becomes more informed and well-rounded when you incorporate the guidance provided by the Storage Authority team. The lower initial investment, working capital inclusion, and potential for future refinancing make SBA loans an attractive choice for many self-storage entrepreneurs. On the other hand, traditional loans offer reliability and the potential for lower interest rates but come with the burden of a higher initial investment and shorter loan terms.

Ultimately, your choice should align with your specific business goals, financial situation, and risk tolerance. The Storage Authority team has preferred lenders we can introduce you to when you go through our discovery process. By considering the pros and cons of each option and leveraging the guidance of Storage Authority, you can confidently chart a path toward self-storage business success.

If you would like to learn more and start your journey to self-storage ownership click the link here: http://www.storageauthorityfranchise.com/opportunity2

This article was originally published on the Storage Authority Franchise Blog, October 2023

Storage Authority Franchising is about owning your own hometown self-storage business and having the professional systems and knowledge to assist and guide you. We like to say You are in business for yourself but not by yourself. If you are thinking about self-storage you owe it to yourself to contact Garrett Byrd at Direct: 941-928-1354 or Garrett@StorageAuthority.com to learn more about the Storage Authority Franchise opportunity.

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