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08 Aug 2022

Community Cultivations #4 - The ‘Curse’ Of Low Engagement & The Fundamentals Of Networking


Danny Freeman

Union Realtime

In social media and marketing there are many, many people and brands running around focusing purely on numbers and metrics, things that they can tangibly measure on a consistent monthly basis in order to determine if their business is experiencing exponential growth and being successful - but guess what? It’s NOT all about the numbers and today we’re going to explain why.

The ‘Curse’ Of Low Engagement

The reason that we’ve put curse here in inverted commas is because the reality is actually the complete opposite. Low engagement isn’t a curse, far from it, it’s actually a necessity for real growth - in the same way that trying and failing is a formula for eventual success, the concept is very similar here. The first thing to realize is that almost every brand is experiencing the same thing. Even accounts that have hundreds or even thousands of followers have this collectively happen to them regularly. Perhaps their last post or tweet received 1000 shares or likes and then all of a sudden their most recent one only picks up 4. The irritating part is that quite often there is literally no rhyme or reason to this other than a post being in the right place at the ‘right’ time with regards to each platform and its algorithms.

The truth is that online and especially on social media people can sense when a brand is trying too hard to be noticed, relevant or liked and this puts people off - authenticity will win out every time.

The Fundamentals Of Networking

In the world of business, networking and the art of ‘schmoozing’ is key. Being genuine and honest are the two most important traits that a brand or those representing a brand can portray.

Keep an eye out for our official ‘Community Cultivations’ podcast that will be launching later this month.

We recently launched a community space for our property management platform ManageSpace using the third party provider Circle.

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