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11 Jul 2024

Build Down, Not Up - Underground Storage Facilities


James McLean

Union Realtime

In locations where it’s feasible, underground storage facilities present a novel approach to self-storage that has the potential to offer certain advantages over traditional above-ground buildings. As certain parts of the country get battered with consistent non-friendly Storage Facility weather patterns, the idea should at the least spark a dialogue amongst open-minded builders and developers.

Food for thought: Google ‘underground cities around the world’ and you will find 40+ such cities sprinkled around the globe. Cities that each housed 1000’s of people, along with animals. Places that our ancestors dug out without the tools and technology we have available to us today. It’s not a stretch of the imagination what we would be able to accomplish on a grand scale with modern ingenuity.

Is the idea completely nuts on a grand scale? Perhaps, but take a minute to see how it’s already working on a commercial level today:

Location and Cost Savings

Aesthetic Appeal

Cost Efficiency

Operational Advantages

Environmental and Safety Benefits

Case Studies

Springfield Underground:

Louisville Mega Cavern:

Iron Mountain in Pennsylvania:

Direct-to-Consumer Market Recap

Underground storage facilities can also cater directly to consumers, offering:

Investing in underground storage facilities can offer developers and communities a sustainable, cost-effective, and aesthetically pleasing alternative to traditional self-storage buildings. By leveraging the natural advantages of underground spaces, these facilities can provide superior climate control, security, and operational efficiency while maintaining the community's visual appeal.

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