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02 May 2022

Architects and Self Storage Developments: Design, Then Build


Melissa Anderson

Account Executive with Forge Building Company

One of the key players when building a self-storage facility is the Architect. Partnering up with the right architect for your self-storage project is critical for many reasons. So, what makes an architect “the right one”? Let’s explore this idea a bit.

Just as with most industries, there are individuals and companies that have specialties. The architectural arena is no different. An architectural firm may have individuals that are experts to specific types of buildings, or the entire firm may be specialized. Finding one that has a good understanding of the self- storage industry is important.

Here are some concepts that an Architect designing a self-storage facility will need to consider.

Beyond, having a general understanding of how self-storage facilities are built, it is ideal if they are knowledgeable on how to value-engineer the project for cost savings.

One way to make sure that you have the right architect is to partner up with a knowledgeable contractor to get pointed in the right direction. Your self-storage contractor is the subject matter expert

The last parting information I’ll leave you with is how valuable your architect can be during the design approval process with the municipality that has jurisdiction.

The architect is your All-Star player in the “Planning” stage of your project.

Melissa Anderson has over 20 years of experience in the Construction Industry and provides insight to those ready to build their brand-new self-storage facility or expand an existing one.

For more information, reach out to her at manderson@forgebuildings.com or at 208-629-2952.

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